Why didn’t EMDR work?
Have you ever wondered why EMDR therapy didn’t work for you? Or why is it taking so long? Here you read about four of the reasons why your EMDR journey is slower than you had hoped.
Have you ever wondered why EMDR therapy didn’t work for you? Or why is it taking so long? Here you read about four of the reasons why your EMDR journey is slower than you had hoped.
In this blog you will learn what is misophonia and the main features of misophonia.
Have you ever wondered how do you know if EMDR therapy has worked? Below are some signs that it has.
Many people struggle with procrastination. Procrastination is not laziness. What are the factors associated with procrastination and what to do about it? EMDR can help.
The difference between I am autistic or I have autism, identity first versus person first language
If you are autistic and you struggle with anxiety, learn why and three simple steps to help you take control.
Mind Made Easy Ltd.
Dr M Lola Perez Gavino
Clinical Psychologist and Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist